Track all your balances. The entire history is loaded automatically. Convenient when working with multiple exchange accounts. Increase portfolio returns with rebalancing tool. Shape your strategy using smart algorithms.
Crypto portfolio
management platform
Automatic syncing, rebalancing
and smart strategies
XChainer automatically downloads the entire history of trade operations and movements, follows the specified control strategy and performs optimal rebalancing. Smart strategies are based on professional algorithms.
Total balance in BTC and USD
XChainer in # nbsp; real time displays the total balance in # nbsp; BTC and # nbsp; USD of all connected accounts.
In addition to the overall balance, XChainer allows you to quickly assess the state of each account separately.
Separated balance for each account
Accounts are combined into groups for easy switching and analysis
Convenient switching and grouping of accounts
You can analyze accounts together and separately
Give access to other users, manage rights and rules as you want.
Instant asset profitability estimation
Based on the entire history of trading operations and movements, xChainer calculates the current profitability of each currency. You always know what plus or minus a particular cryptocurrency gives, without worrying about how much and what manipulations were done.
Visual portfolio dynamics
Shows the real value of the portfolio at any point in time.
All operations are well-arranged
XChainer splits all operations by types and highlights the transaction fees. It makes it easy to filter by date, currency, and type of operations. It let you promptly calculate the aggregate volume of chosen operations.
Account access management
You can provide the access to the connected accounts to other XChainer users by specifying the available rights: the balance alone or the balance and the operation history
The real value of assets of the order books
XChainer values your currencies and tokens on the basis of the current demand at the order book by the order books which shows the real value, unlike the exchange rate. It is important when you need to determine the sale price.
Ребалансировка портфелей
Вы можете протестировать и настроить желаемую стратегию ребалансировки портфеля, и xChainer сообщит, что необходимо сделать, чтобы выжать из инвестиций максимум.
Полная мобильная адаптация
Интерфейс полностью адаптируется под мобильные браузеры. Не нужно устанавливать никаких приложений, достаточно содать ярлык на рабочем столе телефона.
Удобно работать на компьютере
Принимать важные решения лучше в полной версии интерфейса на любимом ноутбуке или рабочем компьютере.
Полная гарантия безопасности
XChainer никогда не получит доступа к вашим средствам, поскольку для его работы всегда достаточно API-ключей с правами только на чтение баланса и истории.